Umenie je korením života...


Stella Velka Filo

Výstavy / Exhibitions:   Women in the Arts Winner ́s Exhibition Artrom Gallery Rome, Italy Slovak national museum Martin, Slovakia T club Martin, Slovakia Cultural center Vrútky, Slovakia Art Spectrum Martin, Slovakia Art Ružomberok, Slovakia Art Spectrum Oščadnica, Slovakia Darte Auction Company Nižný Hrušov, Slovakia Chamber of commerce Austrians embassy Bratislava, Slovakia Moddom & Art, Bratislava Incheba, Slovakia Days of Christmos Bratislava, Slovakia Workshops: Creative family, Slovakia International contemporary art Taza, Morocco AthensArt “Technopolis” Exhibition, Greece How Coran imagine paradise Dubai art project, UK/UAE Czech Art Festival, České Budejovice, Czech Republic Permanent exhibition Optitax Kravany nad Dunajom, Slovakia Libery of Turiec , Martin, Slovakia Gallery Sigvardson Rodby, Denmark International exhibition “Femmine”...

Diskusná téma: STELLA VELKÁ FILO

Dátum 05.09.2020
Vložil JamesPlaic
Titulok Test, just a test

Hello. And Bye.

Dátum 11.09.2020
Vložil JamesPlaic
Titulok Re:Test, just a test

Work your test ?

Dátum 24.01.2019
Vložil Alice Davis
Titulok Invitation Letter -

Dear Stela,

Greetings! On behalf of LIVEFORARTS, I would like to invite you to explore the world of art with us and enjoy the facilities exclusively provided to you. It is the place where we promote creative people worldwide, helping them to sell art items, share ideas, meet craftsmen in the same field of activity and many other interesting things. We aim to expand as the largest community of artists from all over the world. LIVEFORARTS offers the best services to our members and highly represents them to all of our visitors and buyers. We do not charge commissions, percentages of sales or contributions of any nature other than the exhibited subscription plans and advertising features - this is something completely new and unique in the marketplace. Therefore, we are providing our customers with a FREE FOREVER PLAN to have access to the services.

Portfolio Feature: As registered members, artists will be able to create a portfolio of works for sale.

Profile Details Translated: Profile details (such as gender, field of activity, etc.) will be translated in all available languages on the website.

Profile Visits: Our artists will receive hundreds of daily visits from our community and potential buyers interested in their work.

Protected Content: All the content that artists upload in their account is protected against downloading and copying.

E-Mail Support Available 24/7: We are available at your service 24 hours to solve your issues.

We will look forward to your positive response to our cordial invitation. Thank you.

Dátum 27.01.2019
Vložil Stella Veľká
Titulok Re: Invitation Letter -

Thank you much :)
I will read more info and than answer to you
Greating from Slovakia!



Stella Veľká

Kravany nad Dunajom

+421 905 357 972


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